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Earthen Vessels Women's Recovery

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Call Today: (850) 643-1008


18634 State Road 12 NW,

Bristol, Florida 32321


(850) 643-1008 – Office


Garrett Maneth



Earthen Vessels exists to seek and save the lost. Our goal is to give ladies hope and a new life in Jesus Christ.

Earthen Vessels Women’s Recovery is a 501c3 non-profit, in Bristol, Florida. We have been open since 2019 serving those bound in addiction from all over Florida, as well as other states. We welcome all women struggling with addiction who have a true desire to change. Our recovery is completely free of charge.

We offer a safe space to find freedom, sobriety, and clarity to begin putting their lives back together, learn life skills, and how to cope with deep heart issues.

E.V’s Mission

“But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.”

2 Corinthians 4:7

Why it Works:

Because we know the power of deliverance through Jesus Christ. We can have all the programs in the world, but until a person allows Jesus Christ to rearrange the heart that He created we will always be lost souls. We know and have experienced this.

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Housing & Program

We are located in beautiful rural Liberty County on 7 acres away from the hustle of everyday life. We can accommodate 10 ladies in a 7,000 sq. ft. home. The Program is 9–12-month under supervision 24 hours 7 days a week. We are first and foremost a discipleship program. We have many more classes that are mandatory within the program.


·Anger Resolution


·Life Skills

·Money Management



·Sexual trauma

·Save one

·Physical Education

·Health and Nutrition



I started doing drugs at 15 when my father went to prison. Years later, my mom passed away when i was 22 this was right after giving birth to my first son. Things got out of control fast. Years passed and I gave birth to 3 more children's and still couldn't get on track.

In 2021 went to jail because of meth, got released but skipped my court dates and was picked up from a warrant. I spent 40 days in jail and knew I needed to change my life. I missed my kids so bad! I started praying and talking to God and when I got out of jail on November 19th, I came to Recovery. Now I have a relationship with the Lord, I have been delivered from the drugs, have all my kids back, and got married.

The Lord changed me from a hard hateful person into a gentle, loving and kind woman of God.

Put God before everything and the rest will fall into place


For 24 years I was involved with drugs, alcohol, in and out of jail, had gone to prison twice wrapped up in involuntary and voluntary prostitution. Beaten, raped, mentally, and emotionally abused. I was homeless and selling myself to survive and to get high, I had become numb and had given up. I didn’t care what happened to me and any person who had tried to help me I used or stole from them so they cut me off. But God had not left me. In April of 2021, I agreed to go to recovery.

God has set me free from drugs. Healed me from abandonment and rejection issues, taught me what unconditional love is and placed in my heart the desire to show other people the love of God, how He heals you and set’s you free.

Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.

Keep in touch

Be come a monthly supporter

Set up on PayPal

or Mail Money Order or Checks:

18634 State Rd. 12 North

Bristol Fl 32321

Send Email Request for Newsletter

Come by the coffee Shop

Our Coffee trucks are BIG part of the way we fund the Recovery. They are run by volunteers that are compassionate about saving souls. We have the best coffee around also, so come see us. It is “Coffee with a purpose.”

The Newsletter can keep you up to date with all the news of the Recovery as well as testimonies from various people.

There are devotions that are written by Michelle Brady

EV Graduate 2021



We can't wait to meet you.